Yin, Yang and French language

To use our mother tongue is so natural that we seldom wonder about certain deep elements of its structure. Thus, in French, all the objects have a sex. The kind is often difficult to memorize for those which try to approach this language of outside, for little that theirs has only the neutral kind. Why 'une chaise' (=a chair) and 'un tabouret' (=a stool) ?

Why 'une montagne' (a mountain), 'le tonnerre' (the thunder), 'la foudre' (the lightning), 'une eau' (a water), 'le feu' (fire), 'le bois' (wood), 'le ciel' (sky) ?

This sexuality of the things is a continuation quasi-animist and yet so intelligent! Without overlapping perfectly, the choice of the masculine or the female one to characterize a word very often indicates a reference to a form of implicit conceptualization of the yin and yang to us. Strangely, and in spite of the chaotic history of French through the ages, the principal concepts of I Ching are in phase with the French language with regard to the tonality of the concepts as regards sexual colouring.

One should not besides summarize the distinction yin and yang as regards kind, but also of qualities. Thus, the cave, the matrix, the lightning, electricity are many female words. The graver, wood, work, are male.

A council for interpretation: Examine the words of the question and see which is their kind in order to question you on the reasons which prevailed so that they belong to female or with the masculine.